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My Exciting* Party Night

So there was this party Sunday night and naturally my friends and I were pumped. It started super fun, I did my usual going out makeup and put on a party outfit. Expectations were VERY high. We drove there listening to young, wild, and free, screaming the song as loud as possible. Finally, we got there. And that is when it all went down hill.

My BFF and I stood in a line, we were not aware of this line, for 45 minutes. Our relatively short heights cramped us in between big, sweaty guys. And if the smell of cheap cologne and sweat wasn't enough, this guy behind me started smoking a joint, behind my head. The smoke went directly to my hair. So yes, i smelled like weed for the rest of the night. But after his joint went out I finally felt better, the line was moving and the party was about to start. Until I got trapped once again.

This girl on my one side and guy on my other side decided it was time to make out OVER MY HEAD. Damn, now that I think about it my head dealt with a lot that night. Ok, after that little scenario was over we were near the door and more comfortable. Until.....

This guy behind us started pushing us..he was all like "MOVE", granted he was very drunk we stood out ground and kept out place in line. We were pretty proud of ourselves at that moment, ya know girl power and all that. Until he said, "MOVE, I THINK IM GOING TO BE SICK". So then yes, we moved. And counted our blessings that no one threw up on us.

Five minutes later, we were finally in...and it sucked. We didn't know anybody and only stayed because we had toughed out the line.

So the moral of my exciting 0/1 weekend is that either verify that the party is fun, or don't go at all. Can you believe we missed the teen choice awards for this...lesson learned maybe I'm not a party girl after all.

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